Thursday, April 05, 2007

starting the day late

these days I am usually working to 5.00am like in my night taxi driving years in Copenhagen but at genealogy

with my breakfast I take these pills; three to regulate my heart and blood and reduce the odds of getting a stroke, two pain killers for arthritis, a multi vitamin and lately some freeze dried milk sour bacteria from a danish pharmacy to stabilize my gut fauna.

I spread the spoils out from the market - the bananas are an experiment for fifty pence.

fruit is best unrefrigerated - the great apes all eat a lot of fruit and so do I.
the lonely greenish fruit is a green lime which I am letting turn yellow to see how they taste when ripe

the over ripe fruit has to be eaten first - last week it was tea and one carrot for breakfast to get my diet started - which took of 8lbs of fat off me so it worked even if I felt a bit odd now and then.

and on my enclosed balcony the locally made watering can from my childhood still survives.
I ate two home grown tomatoes last week, and water this old plant daily

at dawn I blacked out my bedroom - usually by roller blinds but here by old boxes - so I sleep through the day

4.15 pm is a fixture in my calender to see the quiz show with only one question

in the first commercial break I started my MacBook Pro and in the second the WinXp virtual machine on Parallels Desktop, by the time I have drunk my tea all my email from eleven accounts. and my current usenet newsgroups has been downloaded and is ready to read and answer.

I let my tea stew these days because the latest idea is that there are more ante-oxidants in a longer if acid brew.
When on a strict diet it is important to drink more fluids.

a mini blog for an indoor day and I am skipping Flickr for small blogs


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