Wednesday, December 20, 2006

misty and cold outside

on Bosworth Drive, Chelmsley Wood

the tomato plant is still growing and flowering,
and has set one peas size fruit
I pinched the top off to limit height.
15 degrees c at midday on the balcony

the cabbages look much better now they have had a drink of water

half price in LIDL

lunch two slices of whole meal bread with light cottage cheese
and a mountain of raw vegetables is better than a stapled stomach.

cauliflower leaves and cabbage stalks chopped up and added to the pressure cooker for roughage - but I have no sense of taste or smell becasue of my mild cold

and the rest is ready to steam later

and for exercise I climbed up to the tenth floor

forgot the blogger bug

a glimpse of the sun

see the patchwork roof of the CRABTREE HALL

looking west the fog is lifting

doggy acccident on the stairs

so I called our 24 hour call centre 0800 085 0176 to get it cleaned up within about an hour or two.

two Christmas cards so far and
I plan to send new year greetings in return.
I was hot and took my T-shirt off as soon as I got back up the seven floors


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