it has been misty in the evenings, nights and mornings and never completely buirned off today

my year old tomato plant likes having its feet wet - and fertiliser - and has thrown up a whole lot of secondary stems

and is beginning to flower profusely

the first three tomatoes are nearly ripe

new leaflets on an old branch
NEXTI took the 97 into the Bullring and dozed most of the way
the second market is indoors - the Rag Market

I got my Radio Times for next week in the newsagents here but he asked 90p for 4 AA batteries
here 50p for exactly the same Panasonic productI needed two for the remote control of my Sony radio receiver with 5 way + bass surround sound

the main aisle with the open air market behind me

About time I rewrote my address book £1

one of four ERCOL chairs from about 1960 with traditional elm seats like the windsor chairs
exactly what I boughtfor my kitchen in 1960 in Mytchett

between the Rag Market and the main market hall
there are a few stalls
and then the main market hall with meat and fish

I got some end of the day bargains here, a bag of soup bones and a couple of steaks for £2 70p


that is the Rag Market from the outside as I head back towards my bus

more icons - Sponge Bob, Bob the Builder
and Dora who?
so shiny and brand new

and even with newspaper to keep the floor clean. and plastic on the seats

and no dust anywhere

looking closer I saw DANFOS HYDRAULIC MOTOR
SAUER DANFOSS - Google Search: "-
What really matters is inside™Worldwide Manufacturer of Hydraulic Motors, Pumps, Hydrostatic Steering, Proportional and Directional Valves, Cartridges, HICs, Electric Modules"
Velkommen til Sauer-Danfoss there is more to Denark than bacon
Sauer-Danfoss ApS er blandt de 10 største danske maskinindustri-virksomheder. Med produktion i henholdsvis Nordborg og Odense og salgsselskab i Ganløse og Silkeborg beskæftiger virksomheden ca. 2.400 medarbejdere i Danmark.
Moderselskabet Sauer-Danfoss Inc. er blandt de førende i verden med hensyn til design, fremstilling og salg af hydrauliske og elektroniske systemer og komponenter, der hovedsageligt anvendes til mobilt udstyr.
Sauer-Danfoss har en årlig omsætning på mere end 1,7 milliard US$ og har salgs-, produktions- og konstruktionsfaciliteter i Europa, Nord- og Sydamerika samt i Asien og Stillehavsregionen. Koncernens hovedkontorer ligger nær Chicago i Lincolnshire, Illinois, USA, og i Neumünster, Tyskland.
Læs mere om koncernen på www.sauer-danfoss.com.

an "i" icon for RTFM
Street cleaning - SCHMIDT Holding
World wide, SCHMIDT is the supplier with the largest product range of sweepers and cleansing vehicles aiming at the efficient cleaning of pavements, ..
St Martin's church

£1 either oranges or mushrooms - I spent my last coin on the oranges

this is our local red sandstone

soft to work and to water and the weather

wonderful windows frames of steel

at the 97 bus stop
the snap is extra sharp because I was resting my videophone on the handle of my trolley